Celebrating 40 years of the Community Foundation’s BOLD impact

February 1, 2024
At one of the first organizational meetings for what would become the Community Foundation of Broward, founders Libby Deinhardt (far right) and Jack Deinhardt (second from left) share their vision for championing local philanthropy.

This year we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Community Foundation of Broward!

What started in December of 1984 with a few visionary philanthropists gathered around a table, brainstorming ways to create a lasting impact, has grown into the thriving Community Foundation you know today.

Our ongoing support for education, the arts, economic mobility, diversity and equity, the environment, seniors in need and so much more began four decades ago with a volunteer leadership team and a budding group of donors whose gifts led to the initial $7,000 in Community Foundation grants.

Thanks to the seeds they planted, the Community Foundation’s philanthropy family and our giving power keeps growing. Last year, we awarded a record $19 million in annual grants to support opportunities to transform lives and shape a brighter future. And since 1984, we have awarded more than $175 million to make life better in Broward.

Of course, grants are just a part of the important work of the Community Foundation. Through the years, we have led the way on identifying Broward’s emerging needs. We continue to forge innovative collaborations with local organizations to tackle growing community challenges. And we are building an endowment that provides critical local support today and will be there to support or community for generations to come.

It’s all made possible by our Fundholders – dedicated individuals, families and organizations partnering with us to create charitable funds at the Community Foundation. We shepherd and grow their funds. We make their charitable giving easier and more strategic. We amplify their impact by pooling support to tackle big challenges. Together, we create BOLD impact here in the place we call home.

Throughout 2024, we will look back at how we got here and explore how our history shapes our exciting future. You will learn more about:

Please check back in the weeks and months ahead to see photos, videos and more that tell the Community Foundation’s ongoing story.

The Community Foundation 2023 staff retreat is held at the new Mary N. Porter Learning Center at Flamingo Gardens, named in honor of Mary N. Porter, whose endowed charitable fund at the Community Foundation made the new building possible.

Celebrating Our Founders: Libby and Jack Deinhardt

Click here to learn how Libby and Jack Deinhardt launched the Community Foundation of Broward.

Three Keys to the Community Foundation's Success

Click here to discover what former Board Chair Frank Brogan considers the three reasons the Community Foundation has been able to succeed.

Celebrating 40 Years of Collaborations with Professional Advisors

Click here to find out how collaboration with professional advisors helped launch the Community Foundation and why we will always work closely with advisors to empower philanthropists to make a lasting difference.

40th Anniversary Quiz: Test Your Community Foundation Knowledge

Click here to take our 40th Anniversary Quiz, which provides a fun look back at how we became the Community Foundation you know today.

40th Anniversary Grants: '40 for 40: Spread the Love Grants'

Click here to learn about our new "40 for 40: Spread the Love Grants," which will support 40 innovative, impactful proposals from local nonprofits to make a BOLD impact for Broward.

Anniversary Flashback: Watch the Community Foundation's 20th Anniversary Video

Click here to go back in time and see the video created for our 20th anniversary, which showcases the Community Foundation's early accomplishments as well as bright hopes for the future we are living today.

Learn More

Contact the Community Foundation of Broward at info@cfbroward.org or 954-761-9503.

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Saving Scarlett
August 31, 2018
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