Financial Information

The Community Foundation of Broward is an outstanding Fiduciary with a nearly 40 track record of success stewarding philanthropic assets.

Our expert finance staff works hand-in-hand with a top-notch investment consultant to safeguard charitable funds and grow our endowment. And our team benefits from the guidance and oversight of an independent investment committee, an audit committee as well as our Board of Directors.

Clearly defined responsibilities, independent decision-making and separation of duties are among the ways we remain a strong and stable Fiduciary — providing peace of mind to the Fundholders who partner with us for other philanthropy.

Endowment Investment Strategy

The Community Foundation of Broward’s investment philosophy is to earn a return that allows for meaningful grants from the charitable funds — created from donors partnering with the Community Foundation for their philanthropy — while growing the endowed principal of charitable funds for increased giving power as time goes on.

Our investment objectives

  • Grow principal of endowed funds.
  • Achieve long-term returns in excess of grantmaking and the rate of inflation.
  • Earn investment returns that meet or exceed performance benchmarks.
  • Carefully balance risk vs return.
Download Our Investment Strategy

Financial Documents & Reporting

Audited Financial Statements
Nonprofit Designation
Gift Acceptance Policy

Accredited to show our commitment to excellence

More than two decades ago, we became the first community foundation in Florida to earn accreditation by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.

In 2021, we once again completed the rigorous accreditation process, showing proof of our commitment to go above and beyond federal and state law requirements to demonstrate accountability and excellence to our Fundholders, policymakers and the public.

Learn More About the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about the Community Foundation’s role as a trusted Fiduciary, contact Carol Dorko, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer.

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