After a year full of Zoom meetings and social distancing, the Community Foundation team was ready for a field trip.
So last week we held our staff retreat among the alligators, otters and eagles at Flamingo Gardens – the 60-acre botanical garden and Everglades wildlife sanctuary in Davie. The Community Foundation is a longtime partner of this Broward treasure, where support from our Fundholders is improving animal habitats, expanding garden attractions and building a new welcome center – with classrooms and event spaces to serve thousands of future visitors.
While we enjoyed returning to Flamingo Gardens to see this BOLD impact in action, the “retreat” was also a work session. In between tours, we spent the day discussing the challenges, opportunities and goals that go into crafting the Foundation’s new strategic plan. When completed this fall, the new strategic plan will help chart the Foundation’s course in the months and years ahead.
Stay tuned for more information about our new strategic plan. And click here to learn more about how philanthropy through the Community Foundation supports the animals along with the preservation and education taking place at Flamingo Gardens.
Want a closer look at Flamingo Gardens?
Click here to see a video featuring the bear, owl, panther and other animals that our Fundholders and Legacy Society members got to see during a behind-the-scenes tour at our 2019 Food for Thought event, hosted by Flamingo Gardens.
To contact the Community Foundation of Broward, email info@cfbroward.org or call 954-761-9503.